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Look for a non-academic example of how Macroeconomics can be applied to practical decision-making and/or in mundane things. Listed below are examples of what you can use. Once you find a certain example, explain how Macroeconomics (or a specific lesson) can be applied.

  • Comic strip
  • Movie
  • Song
  • Editorial cartoon
  • TV show (indicate title of series, episode title and number)
  • Anything else — you may consult me

Ex: In the movie Pay It Forward, the result of paying forward every act of goodness you receive is like the effect of the money multiplier. A single transaction (action) can generate a large increase in aggregate income.

Format: Maximum of one short bond paper, use your ID number as header. Calibri 12, 1.5 spacing, 1 inch margin at all sides, remove spaces before and after paragraphs.

Deadline: Email your papers to me by Wednesday, May 23, 12nn.


Since we were not able to go to BSP, just accomplish these tasks and provide proofs that you were able to accomplish them. Proofs can come in different forms: pictures, videos, voice recordings, signatures, etc. You may decide which form to use as long as it is believable.

  1. 2 points: How do you schedule a gallery tour of the BSP Security Plant Complex? List the procedure in bullet points and provide necessary information (telephone numbers, email, etc.)
  2. 5 points: Look for 5 Ateneans who are not from our class, not your block/coursemate, and ask them if they’re more Keynesian or Neo-Classicalist. Provide them with enough information for them to be able to make a sound decision. Make them sign a piece of paper, take a picture with them and let them provide their ID numbers (so I can check their course).
  3. 8 points: Make two video tutorials on two different Macroeconomics concept. Upload it on youtube. To give you an idea on how to do it, search for Eco tutorial videos. By Wednesday, 12nn when I check it, it should have at least 400 views each. To get the full 8 points, the explanation should be correct as well.

Deadline of everything is on Wednesday, May 23, 12nn.

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